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The Ed Cal Blues

By Rob Goodman | December 6, 2010

Doesn’t it seem like social media sure taken over the PR world? Clients are looking to PR pros for new strategies for how to get their messages out – viral marketing, blogging and linking, and social media strategies. While these new, cutting-edge PR practices are all the rage, it’s important to remember where we all came…

Tapping your (big) partner’s brand – six strategies that work

By Brian Edwards | November 29, 2010

In almost any tech industry segment you’ll find a few very large companies surrounded by dozens to hundreds of complementary smaller companies that do everything from filling in functionality gaps to adding industry specialization or providing service and support. This ecosystem is important to the big company’s success and most, to varying degrees, works to…

How Can I Be A Brand Ambassador?

By Rob Goodman | November 11, 2010

Brand, viral marketing, social media…the marketing buzzword machine just keeps on rolling. I know editors who use tools to throw out e-mails if they contain certain buzzwords like breakthrough, solutions, and cutting-edge. And yet new marketing terms come up quite frequently, although many are good ones since they hit the nail right on the head.…

Customer Engagement and Design Experience Key to Brand Building

By Editor | November 9, 2010

Over the years, I’ve found it fascinating to see how different marketing and creative disciplines define “brand.” My favorite: brand = logo. While the logo is an important visual output of the brand experience, to say that a brand is fully represented by its logo is ignoring a much bigger picture. Apple is perhaps one…

Become a Digital Native

By Brian Edwards | October 29, 2010

Much has been made of the Millennials, or digital natives, about to descend on the workforce. These are the next generation of workers, typically those born after 1985, who have grown up in a connected world.  Numbering some 78 million in the US alone – more than the 73 million baby boomers – this group…

Building Brand the Old Fashioned Way…By Earning It

By Rob Goodman | October 25, 2010

Recently a good chunk of the world watched in nervous anticipation as the Chilean miners were rescued. After 69 days of captivity stuck in a tunnel a half-mile below the surface nobody really knew what to expect. As my family was glued to the TV watching the capsule rise out of the ground with the…

There Seems to be a “Gap” at the Gap

By Editor | October 20, 2010

There’s been a lot of buzz recently about the Gap’s release of a new logo, which the company said intended to “modernize” the brand. Unfortunately, the brand fell prey to the powers of social media, with thousands of customers complaining about the new logo and asking for a return to the original. There was a…

Bloggers Speak Out: Give Us Substance and Hold the Hyperbole

By Editor | October 18, 2010

Engaging bloggers is a careful art, particularly those who are not affiliated with the media. PR professionals have been ostracized for sending bloggers spam mails and press releases, and several brands have been blasted over the years for sending “gifts” that were perceived as “bribery”. The simple rules of blogger engagement over the years have…

How HEROs Can Make Or Break Your Brand

By Rob Goodman | October 1, 2010

Have you ever heard of the term “hero”? No, I’m not talking about the NBC series HEROES that went off the air back in February. The term HERO stands for Highly Empowered and Resourceful Operatives.  HERO caught my eye when I was reading an article in Mashable about how people (employees and customers) are using…

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